I’m 65 and haven’t worked out seriously or consistently for decades. I’m soft, overweight and carrying way too much body fat. I weigh 204 and have a 36″ waist.

It’s time I stop wasting the years I have left and doing what I can to preserve the pretty decent level of health I now have. I figure the next 30 years can be relatively healthful (is that a word?) and that I can mostly avoid the cliche decline of old age.
Not completely, because aging is a thing, but it can be a lot better than it’s advertised.
That’s my goal.
I have, as of today, 4 grandkids under 4 whom I would like to still play with when they’re teenagers. ANd that has to start today (since I didn’t start yesterday).
I’m writing this as a journal for myself.
If someone finds it and finds it interesting/ useful, that’ll be cool, too.
Today started with a 2.35 mile walk at an average pace of 19:57 per mile. It took 46 minutes and 51 seconds.
Part of my program is to do cardio for at least 45 minutes per day at least 6 days per week. I got this from the book, Younger Next Year, which I’ll be using as my general guide for starting. I really like the writing style of the authors and the information is sound. Give it a read if you haven’t.
I guess that’s it for today’s entry.
Talk soon.